Woven in the Fabric


Woven in the Fabric


Martha Crossley (b.1775) was the ‘mother’ of Dean Clough mills, and Lavena Saltonstall (b.1881) was first a weaver of Hebden Bridge and later a suffragette and writer of Halifax. During their own eras, Martha Crossley and Lavena Saltonstall operated powerfully and more or less unencumbered by traditional expectations: both women dedicated themselves passionately, in their different ways, to improved working and living conditions of their local working people.

Woven in the Fabric sees Martha and Lavena conjured back into life via the ‘medium’ of modern-day politician ‘Crystal Marriott, Independent candidate for Halifax’, and all three women measure and treasure – finally – each other’s contribution to the prosperity of the town they love: Halifax.

Read an extract here.

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